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Das IOFF-Stipendienprogramm lädt junge Augenärzte aus ressourcenarmen oder unterversorgten Ländern ein, sich um ein IOFF-Spezialitätenstipendium zu bewerben. Von den Stipendiaten wird erwartet, dass sie ihre erworbenen Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten in ihre Heimatländer mitbringen und an Programmen zur Sehkrafterhaltung und Blindheitsverhütung teilnehmen.
IOFF-Drei-Monats-Subspezialisten-Stipendien werden in den Bereichen "Cataract Surgery, Community Eye Health, Cornea and External Diseases, Glaucoma, Low Vision and Rehabilitation, Medical Retina, Microbiology/Ocular Pathology/Ocular Oncology, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Ocular Oncology, Oculoplastic, Ophthalmo-Genetic, Pediatric Ophthalmology, Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, Retinoblastoma, ROP and Pediatric Retina, Strabismus, Trauma, Uveitis and Vitreoretina" angeboten.
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Flyer zum Downloaden
- flyer-ioff.pdf
- flyer-ioff.pdf [1.24 MB]
Prof. Berthold Seitz, Prof. Peter Gabel und Frau Cordula Gabel-Obermaier sind ein eingespieltes Team mit langjähriger Erfahrung und sind für das Programm verantwortlich.
- Prof. Dr. Peter Gabel, Vorsitzender der Organisation
- Prof. Dr. Berthold Seitz, Stellvertretender Vorsitzende des IOFF e. V. und Direktor für IOFF-Fachstipendien
- Cordula Gabel-Obermaier, Geschäftsführerin für IOFF-Subspecialty Fellowships und Sekretärin
IOFF-Topcon Subspecialty Three-Month-Fellowship in Cornea and External Diseases
Dr. Matyas Tilahun Tesfaw
IOFF Subspecialty Three-Month-Fellowship in Cornea and External Diseases
Dr. Dr. Anna Polinyk
IOFF-OphthalmoPro Subspecialty Three-Month-Fellowship in Cornea and External Diseases
Dr. Elif Ceren Yesilkaya
IOFF-Subspecialty Three-Month-Fellowship in Cornea and External Diseases
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pinar Kosekahya
I spent the time in Germany from 15th of July until 30th of September 2022. I was with Prof. Berthold Seitz in the Department of Ophthalmology, Saarland University Medical Center Homburg. My subspecialty was about Cornea and External Diseases. I saw many patients, many special surgeries such as excimer laser penetrating keratoplasty, descement membrane keratoplasty, phototherapeutic keratectomy, etc. I have visited the EyeBank of the hospital many times and attended the morning lessons and examinations that were very informative. They had some scientific programs such as Annual Cornea Day, National (Deutsch) Ophthalmology Congress and I have attended them as well with the support of my Chief. There was also a social event. We have visited the Zeiss Company Oberkochen with the IOFF chairs and IOFF fellows coming to Germany from all over the world. That was an unforgettable visit. In wetlab, I was able to learn double running sutures with pig eyes and I could manage a clinical study.
I am confident this fellowship will highly impact of my life, giving me the necessary tools to besser my surgical and clinical skills and help the other surgeons in my country as well. I thank you not only for the opportunity I have been permitted, but also for the many others that will be benefit from new surgical methods. Allow me to assure you that your contributions have not been in vain, but rather they have been life changing.
IOFF-Bayer Subspecialty Three-Month-Fellowship in Cornea and External Diseases
Dr. Burak Mergen
This fellowship program on Cornea & External diseases has been a cornerstone in my career. I am grateful to Prof. Seitz and his team, and Mrs. Cordula Gabel-Obermaier for making my experience beyond my expectations. I was assigned two different research projects on corneal biomechanics and one case report, and during these three months I was able to finish the projects. I also came up with the idea of an AI-based project on corneal neovascularization and Prof Seitz helped me with finding a relevant collaboration. I had the chance to finish this project as well.
I joined the eye bank that has the compliance with GMP conditions and attended all parts of the cornea banking process. I worked in the wet-lab and practiced cornea transplantation with the double running suture technique on pig eyes. Prof. Seitz also assisted me and taught the technique more precisely.
In the operating room, I observed excimer penetrating keratoplasties, double running suture technique, semilunar keratoplasty, lamellar keratoplasties (DMEK, DALK), amniotic membrane transplantation with sandwich technique, etc. Observing all these surgeries has been very helpful for me to learn how I can implement these techniques back in my country to improve the patient care.
All weekdays started with a morning meeting where all physicians and other healthcare employees discuss the current status of the patient care and interesting cases followed by a seminar. I had the chance to make two different presentations in the morning meetings during my visit. I attended morning ward rounds almost every morning.
Overall, this fellowship was very rewarding regarding my future career as a clinician-scientist on corneal diseases. Once again, I would like to thank Prof. Seitz and his team, and Mrs. Cordula Gabel-Obermaier for making my experience beyond my expectations and I would also like to thank my sponsor (Bayer AG) for their generous support to make this fellowship possible.
Dr. Burak Mergen
Başakşehir Çam und Sakura City Hospital, Instanbul, Turkey
IOFF-OphthalmoPro Subspecialty Three-Month-Fellowship in Cornea and External Diseases
Dr. Ranko Gvozdenovic
IOFF-Alimera Sciences Subspecialty Three-Month-Fellowship in Cornea and External Diseases
Saghir Ahmed Hosny Mahmoud
Being here in Homburg is a new experience for me that exceeds my expectations. I can learn from Prof. Dr. Seitz and his team how they can manage different and challenging corneal cases and I can practice in the wet lab. I think I am learning now at one of the best corneal centers in the world. I want to thank Prof. Dr. Seitz and Alimera Sciences Ophthalmologie for such a great opportunity they gave me.
Saghir Ahmed Hosny Mahmoud
Assistant lecturer, South Valley University Egypt